Organise Highlights & Receive Daily Digest Emails

How it works
Upload or Email Your Highlights:
Download My Clippings.txt from your Kindle device, email highlights from the Kindle app, or email highlights from the Apple Books app.
Set Time & Timezone (Optional)
Set your timezone and preferred Email delivery time, and the number of highlights you wish to receive
Receive your highlights / notes will send you your highlights and notes to your email address
Pricing is completely free for now 🥳
However, we will consider a small subscription fee in the future to help keep this service up and running.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it free forever? is a freemium platform, so there will always be a free version (with limited features)!
It does not work with my My Clippings.txt file. What do I do?
We're sorry to hear that. You can always add highlights from your Kindle mobile app. Or drop us an email at and we will be happy to help resolve your issue.
Can I add Books manually?
Yes, you can!
Can I re-upload the latest My Clippings.txt file?
Yes. It's quite straightforward. Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard, and there is an option for you to upload your updated My Clippings.txt file. Existing highlights will be merged and new highlights will be added.
Can I export my highlights?
No. Right now there is no option to export highlights.
Can the Highlights be downloaded directly from Amazon's website?
There are 2 ways to get your highlights on the platform. Either by uploadng the My Clippings.txt file, or by emailing highlights directly from your kindle app . You can always add your notes and highlights manually too.
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